Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Have a Blog

Welcome to my blog everyone. Some people have blogs because they have something to say. However, there is a small percentage of people who have a blog just because. I am one of them. I was thinking really hard about a topic for this first entry, but couldn't come up with a decent one. So, if you guys have a good idea, don't hesitate to tell me. It's not going to be about myself though, so don't even suggest anything like that.

Thank you for caring! ;)


  1. Wow, you have a blog. I'm amazed. I do too. But I write a blog because I actually have something to say. This almost makes me wish I had one just because. ;)

  2. An amazing, exciting and interesting start. You had me laughing, crying and gasping at every moment. The plot tumbles along with such pace, yet manges to instil a wonderful sense of calm. From beginning to end it had me hooked, and the cliff hanger leaves me wanting more immediately.
