Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Hope for Change

On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was the first African American to be elected President of the United States. Some see it as the beginning of a new millennium. Is it really?

It was certainly a huge satisfaction for civil-rights activists, who have fought for that to happen ever since. The initial optimism has faded now though. The retiring government lead the country into two wars, left behind the biggest economic crisis since the last depression and probably divided the world into the same old patterns like during Cold War. Let's hope January 20 changes the momentum again. Hope and change, that's what has overshadowed Obama during his long campaign. He promised change and he electrified people around the world like no other presidential candidate before.

But can he really change everything to the better? In eight years one can destroy a lot. And it will take huge efforts to fix the mess in just four or eight years. Maybe he will never achieve that. After all, we don't know exactly who he is that Americans elected for President last November. I hope we will soon find out. But I'm hopeful that his charisma and ability to talk to people on eye level can bring Americans back together and countries to listen again. I think that would be the biggest change.

On Tuesday, a new era will begin for sure, whether he achieves all the changes he promised or not. It may not be the start to a new millennium, but possibly to a new decade. At least, that's to hope for.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I Have a Blog

Welcome to my blog everyone. Some people have blogs because they have something to say. However, there is a small percentage of people who have a blog just because. I am one of them. I was thinking really hard about a topic for this first entry, but couldn't come up with a decent one. So, if you guys have a good idea, don't hesitate to tell me. It's not going to be about myself though, so don't even suggest anything like that.

Thank you for caring! ;)